
One important part of our life ♥️...

                                       πŸ’— Friends,       The important people in our life after parents,family,teachers, are friends... Everyone has a true/close friend in life..My journey of giving a true friend was so different... Without any further due let's get started..   I have thousands of friends but I have few true friend​ in my life who know what I feel ,what I like,and how to make me happy ☺️. From my side a true friend is one who knows me ,who is similar like me,and the great support from that person... I have three friends in my life who know about me and two of them are my friends from first std and one is from fourth std .There name is Jebbie alex ,Sai kavyaa,and Akshaya...They were always for me as support ..Whenever I feel confused about a programme or work at school they are always behind me...I am not saying that others don't help m...

My Art..

                                    πŸ’— My favourite passtime work or stress reliefing thing which I do is drawing and paintings​...Today I am going to show you one of my painting which I did during this lockdown.. Without any further due let's get started... I love admiring cloud,sun,moon and the star in the sky...During this lockdown I was completely in internet for online classes ,webinar etc...I took a peaceful 2 hours...I took all the acrylic colours,brushes etc..And sat at my garden area and did this painting, I love drawing skies and sceneries... I hope you guys liked it is a short post because right now I am admiring the beauty of the rain... Comment down about you favourite things to drawing...Bye bye...😊☺️

Importance of Left handwriting...

                                   πŸ’— "Left hand writing is a thing a few of them do so...Once my mom said that she used to write with left hand for better concentration..I thought why not to give it a try..Without any further due let's get started..." I started writing from 18 July . it was little bit difficult because of writing for the first time,but it was fun...I continued writing daily before sleeping and today check this out.. From two days before I started writing quotes and I am trying best to write with left hand nowadays.. Let's see what are the importance of left hand writing.. They have better problem-solving skills. They are better at some sports.  They spend less time standing in lines.  They are more likely to excel in creative and visual arts.  They are better at multitasking. For better concentration. I hope I have given you some information ...

My Visit to Nursery (garden)

πŸ’— "In everyone's mind when we  say plant the first colours which comes our mind is green...but i always try to draw or imagine plants or tree with different colours  like purple ,blue ,white etc...and yeah this is what my post is going to be..without any further due let's get started.." My Visit to Nursery (garden) Before this lockdown Me,my mother and my sister thought of buying plant to our garden..we have a terrace garden which has more than 100 plants..Today finally after a long time we saw a nursery open .Yesterday we went to a nursery but there they had the same plants which we already had. today we went to a nursery which had a plant with white and green leaf..and a lot of different stuff... (a type of money plant) we wanted any different plants for our garden and when i saw the white leaf one i asked my mom and yeah she also wanted any different plants as i said that i always imagine different colours of plants i got purple and pink too not flowers the leaves...


πŸ’— "This is my first post on my blog and in this I want you to say about how my day to day life goes on....and about one of the viral topic nowadays... without further due let's go...."         1.Nowadays due to lock down the life of a student has became so much with phone,laptop or electronics and because of that my day starts with opening whats app to check about the classes                                          2.I Attend all my online class by the end of class it will be the lunch ,and yeah i eat lunch and get back to the homeworks given by the teacher.          both parents are in frontline warriors and yeah they come back home super late at                                  5.30pm as compared to normal days before....